Web Tech Guide

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Place Your Link Here

Tired of getting visitors? Free link exchange method can be an effective way to get visitors. By exchanging link, it increases your page rank, link popular, and help you to get visitors to your site quickly. Not only that, exchange link is also a simple way to save some interested link. Whenever we want to come back just click on the link. Thus, the more we exchange link, the more visitors we get. Both of us are benefit.

The rule is simple, you place my website on your sidebar on your blog. I will also add your link on my sidebar.

Once, you have done it, simply post a comment to this post to confirm it. I will put your link on my sidebar. Then, I will reply you in the comment section.

Please use the following code to place a link to my blog.

<a href="http://www.blogsmonetize.com/" title="Blogging about the web and technology"> Web Tech Guide </a>

When posting , please include your:
• Blog Url
• Blog Title

For fast service, you may add me on AIM or Yahoo mesenger: blogsmonetize

© 11/15/2008 08:21:00 AM www.blogsmonetize.com
Loading related posts...


Anonymous said...

I put your link on my blogroll, good luck! ;)

Shiro said...

Thanks. I did the same already.

rainylcashonly said...

I put your link on my blog and it is alot easier if you jut added the Followers script that is in your admin area of blogspot.


diane said...

I've got your link up on my sidebar. Where will you be posting the reciprocal links?

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Shiro said...

All link are up. They are placed on my side bar.

I have added the follower widget. Thank you for suggestion.

poohgal said...

I've done so. Mine is

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Vidhya said...

Thanks for your visit. My blog url - http://earnmoneyfromads.blogspot.com

Blog Title - Make Money Online

Blog Category - Make Money Online

Anonymous said...

Ok I have put your Blog on my two Blogs and added myself as a follower to yours.
Ways to Make Money Online Etc;
Money Making ideas:

小偉 said...

I will add your link in my blog, please add mine too.

Earn Money From Blog

Shiro said...

Thank you, I link to all of you except Vidhya, I don't find my link on your blog

Vidhya said...

check back now...

Tristen said...

Blog Url - http://surveydirectory.blogspot.com
Blog Title - Survey Directory
Blog Category - Blogs/Websites or Blogger Blogs

I linked back to your blog, you can find your link in the right sidebar under "Blog Roll".


Shiro said...

I already link to all above sites.

Harshree said...

hi there. Posted your link onto my blog.

Here's mine.
Blog name- Make money
URL- http://earnmoneyandcash.blogspot.com/

Shiro said...

Thanks, your link is up now

Anonymous said...

Hello, thanks for the wonderful comments on my blog. I added you in my link. Let me know if mine's up to. Happy Holidays!


iFan said...

im interested in link xchange

Tirta Agung said...

i have put your link in my blogroll.
Here mine..

Blog name:Cari uang di Internet
Category :Bussiness Blog

Anonymous said...

i have put your link in my Friends Lists.

My info:

Blog name:Make Big Money From Google AdSense

elpaso95 said...

merry Christmas:
Thank You For Your Good Comment. If You Want To Join ViewPoint Forum Please Visit Blog. i Have A Special Post On " How To Join Viewpoint Forum "

Just To Let You Know That You Can Only Join Viepoint Forum By Invitation!!!

I Have 2 Invites Left So Hurry!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll put you in my blogroll if you put me on your site =D

Shiro said...

all your links are up now, except elpaso95 and J.Koenig because I don't see my link.


Anonymous said...

I'm interested in exchanging links. Thank you for the comment. I will add you to my blogroll.



Shiro said...

Thank you, you link is up now

Anonymous said...

I have added you already in my site:

Thanks and happy holidays.

Shiro said...

thanks, check it out on my sidebar, your link is up now

Anonymous said...

Ei shiro you ask me to link exchange with you remember clickismoney.blogspot.com e-mail me at gian1214@yahoo.com so that we could talk.

Anonymous said...

Your link is in my link exchange directory at http://tips2makemoney.com/directory/categories/making-money-online/1.

Add my link. Blog Name: Tips 2 Make Money

Link: http://tips2makemoney.com

Description: Tips to help you make money online.

Shiro said...

Thanks a lot, but please, as stated above, I only exchange link on the sidebar.

Anonymous said...

anyone wants to exchange link?
anchortex=free blogger templates
feel free to link and il link you up!

kankuro said...

i already send you a message on the shoutbox of your account on BC. But i would like to post again this time in your comments section.

URL: http://4katsuki.blogspot.com
Title: A Simple Kind of Something
Category: Personal

My blog site is a mixture type. You can put my site on a category of Health and Fitness, Anime, Tweaks and Personal.

Thanks a lot

Paurav Gupta said...

Blog title-India Study Channel
Blog url-http://www.apnamoneychannel.com/
Category-Make Money online
I have already linked your link in my blog roll.

Shiro said...

thanks, all done

Earn Money Online Too said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog, yes we can exchange links:) I'll add yours now:)

Earn Money Online Too said...

Blog Url: http://earnmoneyonlinetoo.blogspot.com/
Blog Title: Earn Money Online Too!

Have added your link to my 'Related Blogs' blogroll..


Barry said...

Great blog you have here. This certainly a good way of getting traffic.

Url: http://bloginberuti.blogspot.com/
Blog Title: GO Blogging
Category: Personal

Well the truth is, my blog is a mixture type too.

Shiro said...

thanks for your links, I alread linked back to you on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I have added your blog....

Here is mine:

URL: http://earnonlinecashmoney.blogspot.com/
Title: make money online

You can also use "earn cash online" if you wish for the title.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Ok I too have added your site in my list.

Blog title: Best PTC List | Trusted & Scam PTCs | PTC News

blog Url: http://besttrustedptc.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I have added you to my bloglist. Please add me to shiro.

URL: http://clickismoney.blogspot.com
Blog Title: Earn Money By Clicking

Shiro said...

Sorry for the delay. I have add all of your links.
Thanks a lot

Rinku said...

I already added your link to my side bar.
you can do the same

blog url http://youmaniahack.blogspot.com/
blog category internet & os

Shiro said...

Thanks a lots, you site is on the list now.

Felix Makmur said...

I've already added your blog to my side bar.

Here is my blog btw:

Blog URL: http://automatedcashflows.blogspot.com
Blog Title: Make Money Online with Automated Cash Secrets

Thanks a lot!

Shiro said...

Thanks, your link is up now

Ashish said...

I have added your link on the side bars of my blog. Do add mine.

Anchor text: Make Free Dollar$ Online
Url : http://makefreedollarsonline.blogspot.com/

Shiro said...

Your link is already up

eShanne Online Money | Create Money Online said...

Just add your links to my site -

Please add :

Anchor text : My Success Stories
URL : http://www.pogunlotud.org/blog

smartearner said...

i came accross your blog and was intersted in placing your link in my blogs but i can't seem to grasp how to place alink in a blog page or how to link two pages of blog to one! please help by explaining how it is done.

Tornado_strikes said...

I have posted your link.
Blog address .
Here is my link
Interesting blogs on market

Dani said...

nice blog..
come and visit my blog, i was put your link there...
blog url : http://curiosityland.web.id
blog title : earn money ::> blog

Shiro said...

All your link is up. Thanks

@smartearner:you can use add element gadget to do so, just choose "Blog List"

paurav said...

Hi, I have added your link to my blogroll.My website
title: Money For Writer

Net Profit Today said...

check it out at:

URL: http://net-profit-today.blogspot.com
Title: Top FREE Methods To Make Money Online

PS: Let me know what you think about my blog menu?
( upper right side of the blog )

Cheers :)

dieorfly said...

I added your link to my blog.

My url: www.onlinebusinesspeak.com
My title: Online BusinesSpeak

ghirly said...

hello, i have posted your link.



Shiro said...

Thanks everyone. All your link is up unless I can not find my link on your site.

CashPayee said...

I have posted your link to my blog at the "useful resources" gadget. I request you to place my blog link in your blog. Anyone interested to share backlink with me can e-mail cashpayee@yahoo.com or make comment in any of the post in my blog.

Blog URL :- http://www.cashpayee.co.cc

Blog Title :- CashPayee-Internet Marketing, AdSense

E-mail :- cashpayee@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hello I put your link to my blog www.onlinebusinesspeak.com

Here are my details:

Blog Url: www.onlinebusinesspeak.com
Blog Title: Online Business Speak

Inge's Kitchen said...

Hi, I post your link to my blog http://ingeskitchencrafts.blogspot.com/ and my blog tittle is inge's kitchen & crafts. I like your blog it help my husband and I to understand more about blogging, thanks

RohitComputers said...

I hav added your link in my blogroll.
Pl add my link

Title:Computer Software
URL: http://www.rohitcomputers.com

এডমিন said...

I`m gonna add your site.
And my site is :
blog : http://tatunnel.blogspot.com
title : Stock Trading with Amibroker

poohgal said...

Hi. I'm poohgal from Paid to Click for Asians (one of the sites in your blog list). I've just created a new blog featuring contests and cool deals. Can we please exchange links? http://cooldeals-winprizes.blogspot.com/

Also, I'm holding 2 contests for people from India and US/Canada in that blog. Complete a survey and you'll stand a chance to win US 25 (Paypal). Please do support.


Shiro said...

Thanks, all links are up.

Anonymous said...

I want to keep my self fit. I hope your website will be helpful for me in this object. Your close cooperation will remain forever. I shall be very thankful to you.
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Free Hosting said...

R u interested in link exchange with http://besthostfree.com ? We can put your link in footer. Is that OK for U ? U can reach us on twitter @wave_

Shiro said...

Yes, I have put your link on my blogroll list. Thanks

Satish Panchal said...

I've added your link in my "Those who linked me" Column of my blog


Please Link me back...

And I am also advertising blogs for free!, So do reserve a adspot for free for period of 1 month on my blog.


Satish Panchal said...


title : Make Money online in India

df said...

brother i added your link in my blog
please link me

Nina said...

My Blog URL: http://www.buxondemand.com/
Title: Make Money Online with Bux On Demand

Added your link to my site's homepage.

Unknown said...

i have done put your link i my blog


Shiro said...

Thanks all the sites are up.

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wow thanks for the opportunity dude

Latest Bank Exam said...

I have placed your website to my site
check it now

Shiro said...

Thanks, I put a link back as well.

deepspot said...

I have placed your website to my site
check it now

nodas said...

I had also placed your site to mine
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Anonymous said...

hi my blog url http://autoxtencash.blogspot.com title JOINE AUTOXTEN ..TURN ONE TIME $10 INTO $100,000..!! i have posted ur link

IceGuye said...

i added your link sidebar on the top mine is



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sarkari.jobhunt said...

Hi, I've add your url in links list. it would be nice if you add mine in your friends blog list. http://employment-rozgar-samachar.blogspot.com

M.Pinto @ ProHacker said...

I'm looking forward to exchange links.
Do reply your opinion. :)

<a href='http://www.Prohacker.IN>www.Prohacker.IN</a>

Sebastian said...

To help you exchange links. I made a page where you can exchange a link with 30 pages at a time. I'm waiting for comments link exchange with 30 site at a time

Bucket Trucks said...

Done. Thanks for the info and exchange! I will try this today!

All-For-Body-101 said...

Hi just added you code to my blog i put it at top so people can see it.

Our blog is about weight lifting i hope this works and i will start to get views as well,
thank you allforbody.


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