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8 tips: how to increase traffic from StumbleUpon


Recently, I have noticed in my referral stats that most of my visitors came from StumbleUpon,so I decide to research about Stumbleupon to learn more how to increase the traffic from there. Over a week, the result is pretty well, almost 100 visitors a day, and now I’m going to tell you how I get it.

What is StumbleUpon?
First of all, I want you to know the basic of what StumbleUpon is. StumbleUpon is a social bookmaking websites which is similar to dig.com and del.ico.us. StumbleUpon has over 4 million users and is growing up which has big potential to bring traffic to a website.

How does StumbleUpon work?
Users are required to download a toolbar which allow you to rate a website as thumb up or down and write a review for that site.

Now, how to increase traffic from StumbleUpon?

1. Rating websites: By rating websites, it helps your site appear to other stumblers who have similar interest as yours. The chance your sites get a thumb up will be higher which means more traffic to your sites.

2. Number of friends: This is the main thing you should consider about. The more friends you have the amount of users who see your pages will be higher.

3.Activity: Having a lot of friends is not enough. You need to be active enough to increase the strength of your account. This will attract more people to your account.

4. Submit your page to StumbleUpon: Everytime, you have a new post on your blog. You should submit it to StumbleUpon, that way, more people will discovered your new post, but remember do not overdo it.

5. Selecting categories: whenever you submit your post, careful select the relevant categories will get you target visitors. This is what you want to have.

6.Adding tags: A lot of people using tag to search for websites, so you should consider to add tags when you submit your post to StumbleUpon.

7.Writing Style: Making your post clean, easy to read and understand will help you to gain more visitors to your sites, making them more likely to give your site thumb up.

8.Social: More people use StumbleUpon, the chance your site appear to them higher. Thus, you should consider to invite all your friends and visitors to use StumbleUpon. That will help you at the end.

© 1/15/2009 12:31:00 PM www.blogsmonetize.com
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Felix Makmur said...

Great article on Stumbleupon. I also have great success with it and my blog attract lots of traffic from Stumbleupon as well.

san said...

i got lots of traffic from stubleupon , your article is very much informative for everyone

Anonymous said...

great advice thanks a lot..

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